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Etna volcano update: Powerful lava fountain during night 8-9 July 2021, ash plume to 11 km altitude

Fr, 9. Jul 2021, 10:05 | VON: T
Lava fountain from last night's paroxysm at Etna's New SE crater (image: INGVvulcani / facebook)
Lava fountain from last night's paroxysm at Etna's New SE crater (image: INGVvulcani / facebook)
Current tremor signal (image: INGV Catania)
Current tremor signal (image: INGV Catania)
During last night (8-9 July 2021), yet another paroxysm (lava fountaining episode) occurred from the New SE crater, after an interval of less than 48 hours since the previous one.
Etna continues its breathtaking, record-breaking sequence of regular paroxysms at intervals around 2 days now, with no end in sight... The sequence of events was almost identical to the previous events, but this time, the eruption seems to have been significantly stronger as it produced a tall eruptive column that rose to estimated 11 km altitude.
Strombolian activity had reappeared around 9pm local time, gradually increased afterwards to merge into sustained tall lava fountains by 22:45, lasting for about 2 hours until 00:45 this morning.
Heavy lapilli and ash fall occurred on the southern and eastern sectors of Etna, including Zafferana Etnea, Fleri, Pedara and Cannizzaro.
A small lava flow was also produced as lava overflowing the southern crater rim and moving over the previously emplaced flows SW of the cone.

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Ätna Vulkan
Komplexer Schichtvulkan Currently about 3329 m (changing due to eruptive activity and collapse of its crater rims)
Sizilien (Italien), 37.75°N / 14.99°E
Aktueller Status: Schwache Aktivität oder Ausbruchswarnung (3 von 5) Ausbrüche des Ätna:
fast ununterbrochene Tätigkeit in historischer Zeit, u.a.:
122 v.Chr. (explosive Eruption am Gipfel), 1669 n.Chr. (zerstörerische Flankeneruption), 1787 (spektakuläre Gipfeleruptionen; laut Berichten Lavafontänen bis zu 3 km Höhe)
Eruptionen seit 1950 (f: Flankeneruptionen / s: Gipfeleruptionen):
1950-51(f), 1952(s), 1953(s?), 1955-64(s), 1966-1970(s), 1966(f), 1971(f), 1971-1980(s), 1974(f), 1978(f), 1979(f), 1980-81(s), 1981 (f), 1983(f), 1984(s), 1985(f), 1986(s), 1987(f), 1987(s), 1989(f), 1989-1991(s), 1991-93(f), 1995-2001(s), 2001(f), 2002(s), 2002-03(f), 2004-2005 (f), 2006(s), 2007(s), 2008-2009 (f), 2010, 2013-anhaltend
Typische Aktivität
Effusive (Austritt von Lavaströmen) und explosiv mit anhaltender strombolianischer Tätigkeit, unterbrochen von heftigen Paroxysmen (Lavafontänen). Ausbrüche von den Gipfelkratern und im Schnitt alle 5-10 Jahre von seitlichen Bochen (Flankenausbrüche).
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