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Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake - Tanzania on Wednesday, 12 August 2020 - information

Strong mag. 6.0 Earthquake - Tanzania on Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020, at 08:13 pm (Dar es Salaam time)

A very strong magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean near the coast of  Tanzania in the evening of Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020 at 8.13 pm local time (Africa/Dar es Salaam GMT +3). The quake had a very shallow depth of 25 km (16 mi) and was felt over a large region. The shallow depth of the quake caused it to be felt more strongly near the epicenter than a deeper quake of similar magnitude would.

Strong mag. 6.0 Earthquake - Tanzania on Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020, at 08:13 pm (Dar es Salaam time) Strong mag. 6.0 Earthquake - Tanzania on Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020, at 08:13 pm (Dar es Salaam time)
Strong magnitude 6.0 earthquake at 25 km depth
12 Aug 17:22 UTC: First to report: GFZ after 9 minutes.
Aug 12 17:24: Magnitude recalculated from 5.9 to 6.0.
Hypocenter depth recalculated from 10.0 to 25.0 km.
Update Thu, 13 Aug 2020, 08:30

Quake was strongest in region since at least 2016, but no significant damage

User-reports with location and shaking intensity
User-reports with location and shaking intensity
Luckily, even after 15 hours since the magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near Tanzania's coast last night, there are no reports of serious damage or injuries. Had the quake occurred closer to the shore, it probably would have had a much more severe outcome.
USGS models estimates that almost 9 million people felt the earthquake, mostly as weak to mild shaking, while 59,000 people in the areas closest to the epicenter felt it at moderate intensity. This fits nicely into the user-generated shake map, based on the more than 800 reports we received so far.
Last night's tremor was the strongest earthquake in the region since 10 September 2016, when a similarly strong earthquake hit northwest Tanzania, killing at least 17 people and injuring more than 400.
Update Wed, 12 Aug 2020, 17:56
People near the epicenter reported that the quake came in two waves; first there was "around 8 to 10 seconds of vibration and then a 2 second long shock", a user told us.
Within 30 minutes, more than 200 reports have come in so far. The interactive map below plots location and reported intensity, which gives a good idea about the impact of the quake. So far, there are no reports of major damage or injuries, fortunately.
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Earthquake details

Date & timeAug 12, 2020 17:13:17 UTC
Local time at epicenterWednesday, Aug 12, 2020, at 08:13 pm (Africa/Dar es Salaam GMT +3)
StatusConfirmed (manually revised)
Depth25 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude7.37°S / 39.85°E Indian Ocean, Tanzania
Seismic antipode7.37°N / 140.15°W
Shaking intensityVI Strong shaking near epicenter
Felt725 reports
Primary data sourceGFZ (German Research Centre for Geosciences)
Estimated seismic energy released6.3 x 1013 joules (17.5 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 15080 tons of TNT or 0.9 atomic bombs!) | about seismic energy
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Nearby places

The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Dar es Salam, a city of 5.4 million people in Tanzania, in 88 km (55 mi) distance northwest of the epicenter. People likely experienced light shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking. In the capital of  Tanzania, Dodoma, 473 km (294 mi) away from the epicenter, the earthquake was probably felt as weak shaking.
The following table shows some of the places that might have been affected (or not) by the shaking.
Distance Place Max. shaking intensity(*) Region Country
64 km (40 mi)
S of epicenter
(pop: 12,400)
V: Moderate
Mafia, Pwani
73 km (45 mi)
NW of epicenter
(pop: 23,300)
V: Moderate
Mkuranga, Pwani
76 km (47 mi)
W of epicenter
(pop: 28,000)
V: Moderate
Mkuranga, Pwani
88 km (55 mi)
NW of epicenter
Dar es Salam
(pop: 5,383,700)
IV: Light
Ilala, Dar es Salaam
92 km (57 mi)
W of epicenter
(pop: 27,900)
IV: Light
Rufiji, Pwani
108 km (67 mi)
W of epicenter
(pop: 30,200)
IV: Light
Rufiji, Pwani
123 km (76 mi)
NW of epicenter
(pop: 23,700)
IV: Light
147 km (91 mi)
NW of epicenter
(pop: 82,400)
IV: Light
Bagamoyo, Pwani
152 km (95 mi)
NW of epicenter
(pop: 403,700)
IV: Light
Mjini, Zanzibar Urban/West
473 km (294 mi)
W of epicenter
(pop: 180,500)
III: Weak
(*) Shaking intensity according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) and estimated using seismic models.

User-reports for this quake (807)

We received 733 reports for this quake.
User reports estimate the perceived ground shaking intensity according to the MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) scale.
Leave a comment if you find a particular report interesting or want to add to it.
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Dar es salaam / Violent shaking (MMI IX) | One user found this interesting.  
IMG-202008... .jpg (public domain)
IMG-202008... .jpg (public domain)
Mbezi Beach Dar es Salaam / not felt : I heard from peo | 2 users found this interesting.  
Dar es salaam / Strong shaking (MMI VI) : Everything moved - things swinging on the walls - waves on the pool very scary feeling felt 2 one after another | 2 users found this interesting.  
kigamboni / Light shaking (MMI IV) : We were watching tv when we felt the first tremor. It was not a shaking but more like a wave and the whole coach moved as well as my body shifted on the coach. It lasted maybe 6 s | One user found this interesting.  
Mtwapa / Very strong shaking (MMI VII) : The extremely cool temperatures the past few days leading to the event were notable. Moments before the quake I felt sudden tightness in my chest and ears and rocking while seated on my sofa suddenly the whole building started rocking and furni | One user found this interesting.  
Ufundi police / Light shaking (MMI IV) : Sudden increased temperature, light headedness, and a mild to light shaking of the seat I was on | One user found this interesting.  
Nyangoro Steert - Skylight Tower / Moderate shaking (MMI V) : At fir | One user found this interesting.  
Kiwalani, Dar es Salaam near Julius Nyerere Intern / Weak shaking (MMI III) : I was sitting on a wooden chair, felt the vibrations as if that heavy machinery equipment used in road construction as a compactor, was passing nearby. At first I thought the chair was faulty but after few seconds the vibrations were gone, and | One user found this interesting.  
Dar es Salaam / Light shaking (MMI IV) : I was resting on bed and felt a sudden, continuous shaking. I instantly rose from the bed and that's when I realized an earthquake was occurring. I rushed to the window and people downstairs were talking about the same thing... | One user found this interesting.  
Nyangoro Steert - Skylight Tower / Moderate shaking (MMI V) : At fir | One user found this interesting.  
Ilala / Light shaking (MMI IV) : I was feeding my four months daughter and felt first shaking so then I looked around my family members were chatting and having dinner. Then felt another movement right after the first one so I asked them is this earthquake? My uncle soon after | One user found this interesting.  
Dar es Salaam Mbezi Beach. / Strong shaking (MMI VI) : Was having conversation with my neighbor on our dinning table then felt the shaking.Thought weirdly that it was him pushing the table using his feet but immediately felt and saw the whole building shaking including the lump shade standing t | One user found this interesting.  
Mwandege dar es salaam / Light shaking (MMI IV) : Good Morning I am at Mwandege, Mbagala Dar es salaam. First time Experience in my life. My sofa vibrated approx 10 seconds. But all are safe. | One user found this interesting.  
Kiambu county,Kenya near Nairobi / Very weak shaking (MMI II) : It was in two waves, the first was longer than the second all this happed within a span of about 15-20 seconds | One user found this interesting.  
Amani street na msbazi / Very strong shaking (MMI VII) : 8 second for earthquake I felt it , strong shake , I was scared but all of sudden it was stopped and no any loss becoz of that . | One user found this interesting.  
Dar es Salaam / Strong shaking (MMI VI) : Was making my daughter sleep suddenly bed was shaking for about 10 seconds. It was scary but thank god no damage. | One user found this interesting.  
Zanzibar / Very weak shaking (MMI II) : Felt sudden slight shaking of the sofa, literally paused but ignored thought i might be hallucinating. Then a call came and thats when i realised it was all real. | One user found this interesting.  
Goba Dar es Salaam / Light shaking (MMI IV) : was in my livin room watchin the news and felt some weak shakin. I noticed the fluid in my glass movin and it felt n looked strange thats when i realized it was a mild earthquake. | One user found this interesting.  
Kariakoo and kigamboni / Moderate shaking (MMI V) : It was my first time felt this shaking we all have to run out and see our neighbors outside really scary... | One user found this interesting.  
Tanga / Light shaking (MMI IV) : We were dining at a place called the Pizzeria and were siting on the first floor of a concrete structured restaurant. All four people at my table stop  
Upanga, UN road, dar es salaam / Light shaking (MMI IV) : I am residing at 5 th floor. On that day, I was preparing dinner at the kitchen. I felt doors rattled and house slightly shook. I switched off the stove and came out of the building with my family members and neighbors.  
Dar es salaam / Weak shaking (MMI III) : We were in the build first floor but we shake two time's and after felt that we run outside the build...  
Dar es Salaam / Moderate shaking (MMI V) : On the 12th floor of a hotel, felt initial wave that built in intensity, short break and then 2nd wave almost immediately thereafter. Moved the furniture, standing lamp and coffee table No sound heard.  
Dar es salaam, Mlimani City, UDSM student hostel / Strong shaking (MMI VI) : There was a major shake at around 2020hrs.Everyone was alarmed and ran outside. The shake had things on shelves shake and vibrate. Everyone around had felt tge rumbling of the ground  
JUJA,KENYA / Very weak shaking (MMI II) : I live on the top most floor on the building, I was bed relaxing with my laptop. All over sudden my laptop screen start shaking for about 4 secs followed by I slight shaking of my bed for about 4-5 secs  
Dar es Salaam / Moderate shaking (MMI V) : At first it felt like I was gonna faint. Looking up I saw my mom rushing to me with a terrified look on her face. Without hesitating a moment we rushed out of our b  
Dar es Salaam, Kisarawe II, Lingato / Light shaking (MMI IV) : I heard it twice, i felt like something was pushing up my chair, then i heard the roof shaking. The first one confused me, and i started thinking that i could be an earthquake that's when it repeated, this time a bit stronger.  
KAWE DARESSALAAM / Very strong shaking (MMI VII) : EARTHQUAKE Start in Two vibration First the bed are shaked in 5 second then stop in 1 second after that sheked in 4 second after that when earthquake occur buds are fly and cry from outside the house i listen the sound of buds out of my house i  
Dar es salaam Bunju B / Very weak shaking (MMI II) : There was a weak shaking, we felt it while sitting on a sofa. Unfortunately our 2,000lt reserve water tank with 3 stands, located on top of the roof (full of water) was disturbed and laid aside.  
Dar es Salaam, kigamboni / Moderate shaking (MMI V) : I was on my bed then all of a sudden my whole house started shaking my dad was on the top floor and he was scared, I was in my room and the entire room and my lights were shaking, but we were all supposed safe  
Dar Es Salaam, Jamhuri Street / Strong shaking (MMI VI) : our building was swaying and we rushed out of the building. it was good 10-15 seconds tremor. luckily all is safe. God bless us all.  
Mbezi juu, Dar es Salaam / Light shaking (MMI IV) | 2 users found this interesting.  
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9C7BD7FD-1... .jpg (public domain)
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What is Intensity and the Mercalli Intensity Scale?

The amount of shaking that occurs on the surface due to an earthquake is called the intensity. It is commonly measured on the so-called Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) ranging from 1 (not felt) to 10 (extreme shaking), and given in Roman numerals as I,II,...IX, X, and often displayed with color codes ranging from light blue to dark red.
Earthquake intensity depends mainly on the magnitude and depth of the quake as well as the distance from the epicenter: The further away, the less shaking intensity occurs.
Read more about the MMI scale!

Compare Quake Data

Data for the same earthquake as reported by different agencies

The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision.
Mag Depth Time GMT
Epicenter Agency
6.0 25 km
16 mi
17:13:17 Tanzania GFZ (German Research Centre for Geosciences)
6.0 15 km
9.3 mi
17:13:15 Tanzania
4.4 km (2.7 mi) epicenter difference with GFZ
EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre)
5.9 10 km
6.2 mi
17:13:15 Tanzania
26 km (16 mi) epicenter difference with GFZ
BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia)
6.0 0.8 km
0.5 mi
17:13:14 Tanzania [Sea]
6.7 km (4.2 mi) epicenter difference with GFZ
INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)
5.9 10 km
6.2 mi
17:13:14 Tanzania
8 km (4.9 mi) epicenter difference with GFZ
GeoAu (Geoscience Australia )
6.0 18 km
10.9 mi
17:13:16 66 km ESE of Vikindu, Tanzania
5.9 km (3.6 mi) epicenter difference with GFZ
USGS (United States Geological Survey)
(*) A depth given as 10 km often means that the the depth of the quake could not determined with sufficient accuracy.


Seismic station: Kilima Mbogo, Kenya (KMBO/IU network) | Distance from quake: 752 km / 467 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Kilima Mbogo, Kenya: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.02-5.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
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2 aftershocks for this quake

For this earthquake, 2 aftershocks have been detected so far. The strongest was a magnitude 5.1 quake that hit 22 hours after the mainshock in 12.1 km (8 mi) distance, in Tanzania on Thursday, Aug 13, 2020 on 05:54 pm (Dar es Salaam local time GMT +3).
The most recent aftershock occurred 4 years ago 77 km southeast of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salam, Tanzania, and had a magnitude of 4.6.

What are aftershocks?

Larger earthquakes (above magnitude 5 or so) such as this one are usually followed by smaller ones known as aftershocks that occur in the same area during the days, weeks, months or even years after the main shock.
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What about this quake?

Based on its magnitude, the fault that was active during the quake likely ruptured beneath a surface of approx. 100 km2 (=39 sqare miles) as a first-order estimate. The length of the rupture zone thus was probably around 17 km (11 mi).
[More info]

Recorded aftershocks, latest first (2 quakes)

Date and Time GMTMag
Oct 6, 2020 10:11 pm (GMT +3)
4 years ago
8 weeks after main shock

10 km
11 km (7 mi)
NW of main shock
62 Km ESE of Vikindu, TanzaniaMore
Aug 13, 2020 05:54 pm (Dar es Salaam)
4 years ago - felt
22 hours after main shock

10 km
12 km (7.5 mi)
NW of main shock
Aug 12, 2020 08:13 pm (Dar es Salaam)
4 years ago - felt

25 km
0 km - This quakeIndian Ocean, 88 km SE of Dar es Salam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Main Shock (this quake)

Map of aftershocks

Previous quakes in the same area of this earthquake

Strongest in 121 years

The earthquake was the strongest to hit this part of  Tanzania since at least the beginning of the previous century (our records start in 1900). No other quake of equal or greater strength had occurred near the present epicenter since then. Below is a list and map of (larger or recent) quakes that had occurred near the area of the epicenter before this earthquake (within up to 100 km/61 mi distance, up to 300 km/183 mi for very large quakes above mag. 7). Filter the list to limit the number to show, by magnitude or time before.
Date and TimeMag
Apr 8, 2020 10:37 pm (Dar es Salaam)

10 km
31 km (19 mi) to the SW Tanzania
Sep 9, 2015 02:43 am (GMT +3)

10 km
25 km (16 mi) to the N Indian Ocean, 72 km east of Vikindu, Pwani, Tanzania 1 report
May 24, 2013 08:02 am (Dar es Salaam)

15 km
30 km (19 mi) to the SW 47 km N of Kilindoni, Tanzania
Jun 10, 2011 11:28 am (Dar es Salaam)

10 km
40 km (25 mi) to the NW Tanzania
Feb 25, 1992 11:10 pm (Dar es Salaam)

10 km
52 km (32 mi) to the N Tanzania
Apr 13, 1983 02:13 am (Universal Time)

33 km
61 km (38 mi) to the E off the coast of Tanzania

Map of earlier quakes in the area of this quake

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