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Strong mag. 5.9 Earthquake - NEAR S.E. COAST OF AUSTRALIA on Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021, at 09:15 am (Melbourne time)

A strong magnitude 5.9 earthquake hit 82 km (51 mi) away from Traralgon, Victoria,  Australia, in the morning of Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 at 9.15 am local time (Australia/Melbourne GMT +10). The quake had a very shallow depth of 2 km (1.2 mi) and was felt over a large region. The shallow depth of the quake caused it to be felt more strongly near the epicenter than a deeper quake of similar magnitude would.

Fatalities and economic damage

No fatalities are known to have been caused by this earthquake, but damage to buildings and infrastructure was moderate in the areas near the epicenter.

This was the 2nd worst quake in Australia during recorded history.

Damage categoryNumber / Order of magnitude
Economic lossesModerate ($1-5 million USD
Source: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), Global Significant Earthquake Database. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K
Strong mag. 5.9 Earthquake - NEAR S.E. COAST OF AUSTRALIA on Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021, at 09:15 am (Melbourne time) Strong mag. 5.9 Earthquake - NEAR S.E. COAST OF AUSTRALIA on Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021, at 09:15 am (Melbourne time)
Strong magnitude 5.9 earthquake at 2 km depth
21 Sep 23:24 UTC: First to report: VolcanoDiscovery after 9 minutes.
21 Sep 23:25: Now using data updates from EMSC
... [show all] ...
21 Sep 23:56: Magnitude recalculated from 5.8 to 5.9. Epicenter location corrected by 1.4 km (0.9 mi) towards SW.
Update Thu, 23 Sep 2021, 10:24

Strong and scary quake in Australia luckily left little damage in its wake

Locations of people who felt the quake in Australia yesterday
Locations of people who felt the quake in Australia yesterday
A large earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 hit Mansfield, in the state of Victoria, Southeast Australia on the morning of September 22, 9:15 am. The last time a quake hit the area was 9 years ago near Thorpdale (Baw Baw) with a magnitude of 5.2 and another 21 years ago in South Gippsland with a magnitude of 5.0.
It was nothing short of a miracle that there was very little damage and no serious casualties reported at the time of writing from this heavy and shallow quake, which was felt as far as 600 km away from its epicenter, all the way to the Central Coast of New South Wales. Our monitoring service at VolcanoDiscovery was bombarded with over 10,000 reports of the quake (our highest number of reports from a single quake).
Thousands of people reported shaking, windows rattling, the feeling of heavy trucks passing by, swaying water and much more, even before official quake agencies released a quake report. Many residents reported evacuating their homes and some suffered from power cuts. News bulletins showed some fallen debris from buildings in Melbourne, Australia's second largest city, which miraculously did not fall on people during this early hour.
We believe that strong building codes and sound construction practices in Australia helped protect against more severe damage. There were also lesser aftershocks that were also felt by some residents, which also didn't contribute to significantly to existing damage. In the township of Seymour, Victoria, about 116 km away from the epicenter, one user said that "internal doors swung open, small items fell on shelves". Another user described "Vibration as if a tank was happily hopping by just outside the house. I was standing so had to grab on to the kitchen counter." Other feedback sent to us included "pictures fell of the walls" and " There seemed to be a thump of some sort then very significant rattling of crockery".
A scary morning indeed, but at 5.9 it could have been much worse. We're happy that the damage was very limited and no serious casualties were reported.
Update Wed, 22 Sep 2021, 03:11

Significant magnitude 5.9 quake hits 62 miles northeast of Pakenham, Victoria, Australia in the morning

5.9 quake 22 Sep 9:15 am (GMT +10)
5.9 quake 22 Sep 9:15 am (GMT +10)
The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) reported a magnitude 5.9 quake in Australia near Pakenham, Cardinia, Victoria, 4 hours ago. The earthquake hit in the morning on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021, at 9:15 am local time at a very shallow depth of 1.2 miles. Magnitude and other quake parameters can still change in the coming hours as the agency continues to process seismic data.
Our monitoring service identified a second report from Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency which listed the quake at magnitude 5.9 as well. Other agencies reporting the same quake include the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) at magnitude 5.7, the United States Geological Survey at magnitude 5.9, and Geoscience Australia (GeoAu) at magnitude 5.9.
Based on the preliminary seismic data, the quake should have been widely felt by almost everyone in the area of the epicenter. It might have caused light to moderate damage.
Moderate shaking probably occurred in Jamieson (pop. 270) located 16 miles from the epicenter, and Mount Buller (pop. 2,600) 24 miles away.
In Mansfield (pop. 4,800) located 32 miles from the epicenter, Traralgon (pop. 24,600) 51 miles away, Warragul (pop. 15,300) 52 miles away, Morwell (pop. 13,600) 52 miles away, Lilydale (pop. 16,200) 57 miles away, Pakenham (pop. 45,900) 62 miles away, and Melbourne (pop. 4,246,400) 78 miles away, the quake should have been felt as light shaking.
VolcanoDiscovery will automatically update magnitude and depth if these change and follow up if other significant news about the quake become available. If you're in the area, please send us your experience through our reporting mechanism, either online or via our mobile app. This will help us provide more first-hand updates to anyone around the globe who wants to know more about this quake.
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Earthquake details

Date & timeSep 21, 2021 23:15:52 UTC
Local time at epicenterWednesday, Sep 22, 2021, at 09:15 am (Australia/Melbourne GMT +10)
StatusPreliminary (automatic detection)
Depth2 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude37.48°S / 146.33°E Mansfield, Victoria, Australia
Seismic antipode37.48°N / 33.67°W Portugal
Shaking intensityVII Very strong shaking near epicenter
Felt6272 reports
Primary data sourceEMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre)
Weather at epicenter at time of quakeOvercast Clouds 6.1°C (43 F), humidity: 96%, wind: 1 m/s (2 kts) from W
Estimated seismic energy released4.5 x 1013 joules (12.4 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 10676 tons of TNT or 0.7 atomic bombs!) | about seismic energy
[smaller] [bigger]

Additional info

The southeast coast of Australia has been rocked by a large earthquake, shaking buildings in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. Eyewitness accounts are flooding in of residents fleeing apartment blocks in Melbourne after feeling strong tremors for up to 30 seconds. Social media has been inundated with images from inner-city suburbs which show rubble strewn across streets believed to be due to quake damage. Early reports suggest at least 46 buildings have been damaged across Victoria in the earthquake. (reference #13055)

A magnitude-5.9 earthquake struck in southeastern Australia on September 22, 2021, at 9:15 am local time. This is the largest earthquake in Victoria in the two centuries of European settlement. Aboriginal Australians have lived in eastern Victoria for around 40,000 years [...] Initial insurance claim data indicates that at least 1,500 buildings suffered minor damage such as fallen masonry (e.g. chimneys) and cracks to plaster, render and walls. (reference #13061)

Cited references

  • #1053 National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) (1971 to 2013):

    Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (PDE), a weekly and monthly publication, National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado, 1971 to 2013.

  • #13055 Yahoo News Australia (Rebecca Davis) (2021):

    Melbourne rocked by magnitude 5.9 earthquake. Published 21 September 2021. Link

  • #13061 Leonard, M. (2021):

    What controlled damage patterns during Australia earthquake?, Temblor, DOI: 10.32858/temblor.210

Source: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), Global Significant Earthquake Database. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K

Nearby places

The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Croydon, a town with 27,000 inhabitants in Australia, in 99 km (61 mi) distance west of the epicenter. People likely experienced light shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking. In the capital of  Australia, Canberra, 350 km (217 mi) away from the epicenter, the earthquake was probably felt as weak shaking.
The following table shows some of the places that might have been affected (or not) by the shaking.
Distance Place Max. shaking intensity(*) Region Country
38 km (24 mi)
N of epicenter
Mount Buller
(pop: 2,570)
V: Moderate
52 km (32 mi)
NW of epicenter
(pop: 4,840)
V: Moderate
82 km (51 mi)
S of epicenter
(pop: 24,600)
IV: Light
Latrobe, Victoria
83 km (52 mi)
SW of epicenter
(pop: 15,300)
IV: Light
Baw Baw, Victoria
84 km (52 mi)
S of epicenter
(pop: 13,600)
IV: Light
Latrobe, Victoria
91 km (57 mi)
W of epicenter
(pop: 16,200)
IV: Light
Yarra Ranges, Victoria
99 km (61 mi)
W of epicenter
(pop: 26,500)
IV: Light
Maroondah, Victoria
126 km (78 mi)
W of epicenter
(pop: 4,246,400)
IV: Light
350 km (217 mi)
NE of epicenter
(pop: 367,800)
III: Weak
Australian Capital Territory
(*) Shaking intensity according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) and estimated using seismic models.

User-reports for this quake (6484)

The first report about ground shaking reached us after only 5 minutes, before other agencies reported it. We received 6477 reports for this quake.
User reports estimate the perceived ground shaking intensity according to the MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) scale.
Leave a comment if you find a particular report interesting or want to add to it.
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Mark as helpful or interesting.
Send your own user report!
Highett Melbourne Victoria / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 30-60 s : Thought someone was on my roof and then realised it was an earthquake my windows were crackling and the whole house was vibrating | 18 users found this interesting.  
JAMIESON, Vic / Very strong shaking (MMI VII) / both vertical and horizontal swinging / 30-60 s : The first noise was like a massive explosion that went for 15 seconds the the huge rumble that went for 20 seconds. I was standing on the edge of a large brige in town which shook the went up and down | 10 users found this interesting.  
Safety Beach / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 30-60 s : Being from NZ, I am familiar to earthquakes. It didn't feel anything like what we have at home. This was more of a slow building, gentle shake that didn't dislodge anything. | 10 users found this interesting.  
  • Wow so you must have felt some strong tremors. What we felt in the south eastern suburbs was pretty scary.
Bundoora / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 20-30 s : Shat myself | 10 users found this interesting.  
Wallan, VIC 3756 / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, vibrating / 20-30 s : Whole house was shaking with side to side movements (no up/down). Heard low continuous rumbling noise from both sides of the house. Pictures, clocks ornaments all rattling. No obvious damage seen. | 7 users found this interesting.  
I was in my apartment in the city / Moderate shaking (MMI V) : I felt the bed shake my n the 42 floor and I swear I thought the building was going to falll to the ground, because of all the shaking | 7 users found this interesting.  
Little Hampton / Light shaking (MMI IV) / vertical swinging (up and down) / 30-60 s : I felt my house rolling.Hanging plants were swinging. My mirror on the wall looked like it was going up and down. Shaking of the slab floor. | 5 users found this interesting.  
Pakenham / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 20-30 s : Gradual increase in intensity, started light and became moderately heavy vibration toward the last 10 seconds. | 4 users found this interesting.  
Erica Victoria / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / rattling, vibrating / 20-30 s : Slight tremors to shaking , items falling down inside the house and later when I checked outside also | One user found this interesting.  
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Corio ,geelong / not felt : My while house shook about 30-50mm side to side corner joints in ceiling cracked it felt as if my house was going to fall into a sink hole | One user found this interesting.  
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1632271146... .jpg (public domain)
Wantirna / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, vibrating / 20-30 s : My Chair was shaking a lot along with whole house. I could here the wooden structure of house making sound. | 4 users found this interesting.  
Geelong West, Victoria, 3218 / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 20-30 s : Floor was moving side to side, windows rattling, walls shaking, entire house shook for some time and was quite loud and I am deaf and heard it with legs shaking and moving with the movement under my chair working. | 3 users found this interesting.  
Berwick, Victoria 3806 / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 30-60 s : Walls shaking side to side, trophies fell off bookcase and broke, upright standing mirror fell down, woke occupants who were asleep, felt by everyone in the house. Tremors increased in intensity then slowed then followed by smaller tremors. Lasted 45-60 s | 3 users found this interesting.  
Shepparton, Victoria / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 20-30 s : Lying in bed, thinking a creature was walking across the roof, then realised the bed was shaking, as was everything else‼️ | 3 users found this interesting.  
Chirnside Park / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / vertical swinging (up and down) / 5-10 s : I was laying in bed and my bed was swing back and forward, picture frames banging lightly on the wall with a slight shaking with it, with a rolling truck noise. Longest we’ve ever felt here in Chirnside Park, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | 3 users found this interesting.  
3810 / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, vibrating / 10-15 s : Not the biggest I’ve felt but went on for a while. Thought it was a train at first but it got bigger and just kept on going. | 3 users found this interesting.  
Wodonga / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / 30-60 s : Entire house shaking. LOTS of noise in the roof of the house and we turned off the heating thinking it was going to explode. | 3 users found this interesting.  
Mulwala / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 20-30 s : Whole house moved side to side swaying and creaking. Windows rattling and bending. Loud noise like a big train or truck rumbling. Some items fell to floor but didn't break Found crack in bathroom ceiling/ top of wall had appeared on inspection of home aft  
Crack in corner of bathroom after quake (public domain)
Crack in corner of bathroom after quake (public domain)
WARRAGUL / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 30-60 s : Moderate shake | 4 users found this interesting.  
Eaglehawk / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, vibrating / 15-20 s : I was in bed and it was shaking and the windows were rattling really hard | 4 users found this interesting.  
Southbank, 3006 / Light shaking (MMI IV) / vertical swinging (up and down) / 30-60 s : Didn't like that feeling. Woke me up and remained up. Don't feel safe now. I live in an apartment building on the 4th floor and that gental continuous motion has creeped me out proper. | 2 users found this interesting.  
Strathbogie / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / complex rolling (tilting in multiple directions) / 15-20 s : The sound was incredible. Thunder very loud eminating from the earth beneath me. House didn't appear to shake but family member said the walls bubbled. Native birds were carrying on a treat two days before quake. I felt dizzy and slightly nauseous half an | 2 users found this interesting. (reported through our app)  
I was in my apartment in the city / Moderate shaking (MMI V) : I felt the bed shake my n the 42 floor and I swear I thought the building was going to falll to the ground, because of all the shaking | 2 users found this interesting.  
Drouin / Light shaking (MMI IV) / both vertical and horizontal swinging : Very loud rumbling like a train coming to the house frightening noise and the shaking and moving under my feet for 2 minutes then I went outside the rumbling and shaking decreased very scary | 2 users found this interesting.  
Foster / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / vibration and rolling / 1-2 minutes : The whole house felt like it was on a wave and things fell over. Cupboard doors opened. My Dingoes scattered. | 2 users found this interesting.  
  • similar in Leongatha
Point Cook Melbourne / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 5-10 s : my cheap ikea table started moving sydeway ... and the cheap house timber construction cracking sound | 2 users found this interesting.  
MOORABBIN / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, vibrating / 15-20 s : The whole building I work in was shaking, desk and computers were shaking. Pile of papers and a plate fell off the shelf. | 2 users found this interesting.  
Geelong / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rattling, vibrating / very short : Light shaking | 3 users found this interesting.  
Howlong NSW / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 10-15 s : Was still in bed. Thought it was a huge truck going past but shaking and vibrating continued. Thought it was huge wind rattling on Windows. Noticed moving side to side of house, walls rattling. Cats meowed loudly outside but quickly gone quiet | One user found this interesting.  
Eynesbury 3338 / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / 5-10 s : Floor dropped and my house shifted from right to left then forward and backward as I was standing in the kitchen. A hanging object on the door handle moved about 3-4 inches up and down. I was very disturbed and disoriented after the experience. | One user found this interesting.  
South Morang / Weak shaking (MMI III) / both vertical and horizontal swinging / 20-30 s : I was holding the sliding door handle when it started sudden force like a tornado outside but I realized it was still when the house started swaying and roof like it was going to come off, handle I was holding on to was going up and down like the rest of | One user found this interesting.  
Melbourne / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 20-30 s : Shocked  
Broken pictures fell off wall (public domain)
Broken pictures fell off wall (public domain)
Newport Victoria Australia / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, vibrating / 30-60 s : Epicentre LICOLA not Mansfield  
Epicentre LICOLA on the GOVENOR FAULT ! (public domain)
Epicentre LICOLA on the GOVENOR FAULT ! (public domain)
Doncaster / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 10-15 s   
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20210922_1... .jpg (public domain)
Epping / Very strong shaking (MMI VII) / complex motion difficult to describe / 5-10 s : I was asleep until my brother came in the room yelling and said I’m hungry  
Clean (public domain)
Clean (public domain)
Toorak / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / complex motion difficult to describe / 5-10 s : Room moving, ornaments shaking, falling....  
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20210922_1... .jpg (public domain)
Screenshot... .jpg (public domain)
Screenshot... .jpg (public domain)
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What is Intensity and the Mercalli Intensity Scale?

The amount of shaking that occurs on the surface due to an earthquake is called the intensity. It is commonly measured on the so-called Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) ranging from 1 (not felt) to 10 (extreme shaking), and given in Roman numerals as I,II,...IX, X, and often displayed with color codes ranging from light blue to dark red.
Earthquake intensity depends mainly on the magnitude and depth of the quake as well as the distance from the epicenter: The further away, the less shaking intensity occurs.
Read more about the MMI scale!

Compare Quake Data

Data for the same earthquake as reported by different agencies

The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision.
Mag Depth Time GMT
Epicenter Agency
5.9 2 km
1.2 mi
23:15:52 NEAR S.E. COAST OF AUSTRALIA EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre)
5.9 10 km
6.2 mi
23:15:53 Australia: Mansfield, VIC
2.1 km (1.3 mi) epicenter difference with EMSC
GeoAu (Geoscience Australia )
5.9 12 km
7.5 mi
23:15:53 38 Km S of Mount Buller, Australia
1.6 km (1 mi) epicenter difference with EMSC
USGS (United States Geological Survey)
5.9 16 km
9.9 mi
23:15:54 Australia: Mansfield, VIC
4.8 km (3 mi) epicenter difference with EMSC
GFZ (German Research Centre for Geosciences)
5.9 10 km
6.2 mi
23:15:55 Near SE Coast of Australia
8.3 km (5.2 mi) epicenter difference with EMSC
BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia)
5.6 10 km
6.2 mi
23:15:55 Australia: Near Melbourne
16 km (9.6 mi) epicenter difference with EMSC
RENASS (Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique (RéNaSS))
(*) A depth given as 10 km often means that the the depth of the quake could not determined with sufficient accuracy.


Seismic station: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (TAU/II network) | Distance from quake: 610 km / 379 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Hobart, Tasmania, Australia: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.02-5.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
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31 aftershocks for this quake

For this earthquake, 31 aftershocks have been detected so far. The strongest was a magnitude 4.1 quake that hit 18 minutes after the mainshock in 3.8 km (2.4 mi) distance, in Australia: Rawson, VIC, on Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021 on 09:33 am (Melbourne local time GMT +10).
The most recent aftershock occurred 3 years ago Australia: Rawson, VIC, and had a magnitude of 2.2.

What are aftershocks?

Larger earthquakes (above magnitude 5 or so) such as this one are usually followed by smaller ones known as aftershocks that occur in the same area during the days, weeks, months or even years after the main shock.
[More info]

What about this quake?

Based on its magnitude, the fault that was active during the quake likely ruptured beneath a surface of approx. 79 km2 (=31 sqare miles) as a first-order estimate. The length of the rupture zone thus was probably around 15 km (10 mi).
[More info]

Recorded aftershocks, latest first (31 quakes)

Date and Time GMTMag
Oct 21, 2021 06:07 pm (Melbourne)
2 years ago
4 weeks after main shock

10 km
8 km (5 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Oct 20, 2021 02:29 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
4 weeks after main shock

3.1 km
14 km (8.7 mi)
SE of main shock
Mansfield, Victoria, AustraliaMore
Oct 16, 2021 07:10 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
3 weeks after main shock

10 km
7 km (4.3 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Oct 16, 2021 04:04 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
3 weeks after main shock

9.2 km
11 km (6.9 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Oct 11, 2021 12:53 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
3 weeks after main shock

5.1 km
10.3 km (6.4 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Oct 7, 2021 05:41 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago
2 weeks after main shock

7.5 km
9.3 km (5.7 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Oct 6, 2021 03:12 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
14 days after main shock

9 km
1.8 km (1.1 mi)
E of main shock
Oct 5, 2021 08:13 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
13 days after main shock

8 km
6.7 km (4.2 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Oct 5, 2021 06:46 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago
13 days after main shock

5.9 km
8.2 km (5.1 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Oct 5, 2021 06:17 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
13 days after main shock

6.9 km
8 km (5 mi)
S of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Oct 4, 2021 10:11 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
13 days after main shock

8.6 km
8.3 km (5.2 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Oct 4, 2021 07:20 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago
12 days after main shock

10.5 km
6.9 km (4.3 mi)
S of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Oct 2, 2021 07:04 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago
10 days after main shock

10 km
9.6 km (6 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 29, 2021 06:21 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago
7 days after main shock

8.1 km
11 km (7 mi)
N of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 26, 2021 12:29 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
4 days after main shock

9.7 km
10.1 km (6.3 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 25, 2021 07:04 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
3 days after main shock

10.3 km
10.5 km (6.5 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Sep 25, 2021 02:31 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
3 days after main shock

8.3 km
5.5 km (3.4 mi)
S of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Sep 24, 2021 12:19 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
1 day 15 hours after main shock

5 km
6.9 km (4.3 mi)
NE of main shock
Australia: Mansfield, VICMore
Sep 23, 2021 02:30 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago
1 day 5 hours after main shock

9.6 km
2.4 km (1.5 mi)
S of main shock
Mansfield, 79 km N of Traralgon, Latrobe, Victoria, AustraliaMore
Sep 23, 2021 12:58 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
1 day 4 hours after main shock

7.7 km
2.2 km (1.4 mi)
E of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Sep 23, 2021 12:09 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago
1 day 3 hours after main shock

10.6 km
16 km (9.8 mi)
S of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 23, 2021 08:04 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
23 hours after main shock

5.6 km
2 km (1.3 mi)
NE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 09:40 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago
12 hours after main shock

10 km
13 km (8.2 mi)
S of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 06:00 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
9 hours after main shock

6.4 km
5.2 km (3.2 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 05:30 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago
8 hours after main shock

8.3 km
13 km (8.1 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 01:18 pm (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
4 hours after main shock

10 km
13 km (8.3 mi)
S of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 10:15 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
59 minutes after main shock

10 km
9.5 km (5.9 mi)
N of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 09:54 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
38 minutes after main shock

10.8 km
7.7 km (4.8 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 09:47 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago
32 minutes after main shock

5.5 km
14 km (8.6 mi)
SE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 09:33 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
18 minutes after main shock

11 km
3.8 km (2.4 mi)
W of main shock
Australia: Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 09:24 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt
9 minutes after main shock

6 km
6.4 km (4 mi)
NE of main shock
Australia: N of Rawson, VICMore
Sep 22, 2021 09:15 am (Melbourne)
3 years ago - felt

2 km
0 km - This quakeMansfield, 82 km N of Traralgon, Latrobe, Victoria, Australia
Main Shock (this quake)

Map of aftershocks

Earthquake statistics

Average number of earthquakes

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 12.6 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi):
  • Mag. 5 or higher: 0.14 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 7.1 years)
  • Mag. 4 or higher: 0.25 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 4 years)
  • Mag. 3 or higher: 1.23 quakes per year
  • Mag. 2 or higher: 11.4 quakes per year
The area where this quake occurred has a moderate level of seismic activity. However, It has had at least 2 quakes above magnitude 5 since 2010, which suggests that larger earthquakes of this size occur infrequently, probably on average approximately every 5 to 10 years.

Number of quakes per year

Previous quakes in the same area of this earthquake

Strongest in 122 years

The earthquake was the strongest to hit this part of  Australia since at least the beginning of the previous century (our records start in 1900). No other quake of equal or greater strength had occurred near the present epicenter since then. Below is a list and map of (larger or recent) quakes that had occurred near the area of the epicenter before this earthquake (within up to 100 km/61 mi distance, up to 300 km/183 mi for very large quakes above mag. 7). Filter the list to limit the number to show, by magnitude or time before.
Date and TimeMag
Jun 14, 2021 09:45 am (Melbourne)

10 km
60 km (37 mi) to the NE Australia: Bright, VIC 1 report
Sep 1, 2020 11:22 pm (Melbourne)

2.4 km
44 km (28 mi) to the S Baw Baw, 37 km north of Traralgon (Latrobe City), Victoria, Australia 11 reportsInfo
Feb 12, 2019 11:53 pm (Melbourne)

10 km
31 km (19 mi) to the S N of Rawson, VIC 3 reportsInfo
Aug 14, 2018 06:20 am (Melbourne)

10 km
45 km (28 mi) to the N E of Mansfield, VIC 6 reportsInfo
Oct 17, 2017 10:04 pm (Melbourne)

10 km
99 km (61 mi) to the SW SE of Pakenham, VIC. (Reported felt)
May 14, 2017 03:43 am (Melbourne)

5 km
70 km (44 mi) to the S Moe, Gippsland Region, Victoria
Mar 31, 2016 05:44 pm (Melbourne)

10 km
68 km (42 mi) to the NE SW of Bright, Vic
Apr 24, 2015 01:33 am (Melbourne)

20 km
34 km (21 mi) to the W 2.7 NEAR S.E. COAST OF AUSTRALIA
Mar 10, 2015 10:39 pm (Melbourne)

0 km
96 km (60 mi) to the SW Pakenham, Vic 1 report
Mar 5, 2015 11:35 am (Melbourne)

0 km
98 km (61 mi) to the S SW of Moe, Vic 3 reportsInfo
Oct 17, 2014 06:13 pm (Melbourne)

10 km
92 km (57 mi) to the S S of Moe, VIC
Jan 13, 2014 02:58 pm (Melbourne)

15 km
91 km (57 mi) to the W Lilydale, Melbourne, VIC
Jun 24, 2013 03:52 pm (Melbourne)

0 km
96 km (59 mi) to the N Near Benalla, Vic
Jun 22, 2013 09:57 pm (Melbourne)

11 km
86 km (53 mi) to the N N of Mansfield, Vic 5 reportsInfo
Feb 24, 2013 01:14 am (Melbourne)

10 km
99 km (62 mi) to the S South of Moe, VIC
Feb 15, 2013 10:32 pm (Melbourne)

12 km
61 km (38 mi) to the NW W of Mansfield, Vic 1 report
Oct 27, 2012 02:43 pm (Melbourne)

12 km
93 km (58 mi) to the S Near Moe, Vic
Jul 20, 2012 07:11 pm (Melbourne)

10 km
86 km (53 mi) to the S 13km SW of Moe, Australia 1 report
Jun 19, 2012 08:53 pm (Melbourne)

10 km
92 km (57 mi) to the S 11 km NNE of Mirboo North, Australia Info
Jan 9, 2010 12:24 am (Melbourne)

17 km
60 km (37 mi) to the E near the southeast coast of Australia
Mar 8, 2007 02:34 am (Universal Time)

14 km
76 km (47 mi) to the SW 13 km N of Bunyip, Australia
Dec 17, 2001 06:38 am (Melbourne)

10 km
83 km (51 mi) to the NE near the southeast coast of Australia
Aug 21, 2001 11:13 pm (GMT +0)

33 km
95 km (59 mi) to the SW near the southeast coast of Australia
Aug 29, 2000 10:05 pm (Melbourne)

12 km
101 km (63 mi) to the S 5 km ENE of Mirboo North, Australia Info
Sep 25, 1996 05:49 pm (Melbourne)

10 km
47 km (29 mi) to the S 26 km ENE of Neerim South, Australia
Sep 25, 1996 02:53 pm (Melbourne)

10 km
31 km (19 mi) to the W 32 km SE of Alexandra, Australia
May 20, 1990 03:09 am (Melbourne)

5 km
38 km (24 mi) to the S near the southeast coast of Australia
Apr 7, 1988 10:57 pm (Universal Time)

10 km
66 km (41 mi) to the NW 20 km W of Mansfield, Australia
May 30, 1987 02:44 pm (Universal Time)

10 km
26 km (16 mi) to the S 43 km NW of Heyfield, Australia
Nov 21, 1982 10:34 pm (Melbourne)

33 km
53 km (33 mi) to the NE 28 km E of Mount Buller, Australia

Map of earlier quakes in the area of this quake

[smaller] [bigger]

Map to embed or share

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