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Latest quakes in or near Attica, Greece - list, stats and map

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Mag. 2.4 earthquake 12 km southwest of Argos - Peloponnese, Greece -
Strongest past 7 daysMag. 4.5 57 km north of Chalcis - Central Greece, Greece -
Updated: Apr 16, 2024 15:08 GMT -
Find all latest earthquakes in or near Attica, Greece, in our list below, updated every minute! Events are often reported within minutes. If you just felt a quake in or near Attica, find out which quakes are happening right now!
In the past 24 hours, Attica has had 5 quakes of magnitudes up to 2.0.
In the past 7 days, Attica has had 36 quakes of magnitudes up to 4.5:
  • 0 quakes above magnitude 4
  • 4 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 32 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
Number of quakes per year
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Showing all recent or significant quakes in the past 7 days, magnitude 0 or higher, within up to 100 km (62 mi) distance (108 quakes):
Latest quakes in or near Attica, Greece - list, stats and map
Date and TimeMag
Nearest VolcanoLocationDetailsMap
Apr 16, 04:52 pm (Athens)

49 km
44 km (27 mi) to the W 12 km southwest of Argos, Nomos Argolidos, Peloponnese, Greece
Apr 16, 03:26 pm (Athens)

12 km
Greece: 7 Km NW from Fyli
Apr 16, 03:17 pm (Athens)

5 km
24 km (15 mi) to the W Ionian Sea, Central Greece, 26 km north of Corinthos, Greece
Apr 16, 03:12 pm (Athens)

12 km
Greece: 2 Km WSW from Metamorphosi
Apr 16, 12:34 pm (Athens)

17 km
76 km (47 mi) to the N 20 km east of Istiaia, Euboea, Central Greece, Greece
Apr 16, 04:00 am (Athens)

90 km
1 km (0.6 mi) to the W 9 Km WNW from Angistri
Monday, April 15, 2024 GMT (12 quakes)
Apr 16, 12:27 am (Athens)

13 km
East Attika, 33 km northeast of Athens, Nomarchia Athinas, Attica, Greece
Apr 16, 12:23 am (Athens)

16 km
72 km (45 mi) to the NW 18 km east of Istiaia, Euboea, Central Greece, Greece
Apr 15, 06:24 pm (Athens)

11 km
73 km (45 mi) to the N Aegean Sea, 25 km southeast of Skiathos Island, Magnesia, Thessaly, Greece Info
Apr 15, 02:59 pm (Athens)

9.2 km
8 km (5 mi) to the NW Nomos Voiotias, Central Greece, 45 km northwest of Athens, Greece
Apr 15, 02:42 pm (Athens)

7.7 km
26 km (16 mi) to the W 12 km southwest of Corinthos, Corinthia, Peloponnese, Greece
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About these data
Estimated combined seismic energy released: 9.3 x 1011 joules (258 megawatt hours, equivalent to 222 tons of TNT) | about seismic energy

Attica Quake-O-Meter

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Earthquake statistics

Average number of earthquakes

Based on data from the past 54 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 2,400 quakes on average per year in or near Attica, Greece:
  • Mag. 7 or higher: 0.26 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 3.9 years)
  • Mag. 6 or higher: 0.75 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 1.3 years)
  • Mag. 5 or higher: 1.56 quakes per year
  • Mag. 4 or higher: 10.6 quakes per year
  • Mag. 3 or higher: 116 quakes per year (or 9.6 quakes per month)
  • Mag. 2 or higher: 720 quakes per year (or 60 quakes per month)
  • Mag. 1 or higher: 2,300 quakes per year (or 6.4 quakes per day)
Attica has a very high level of seismic activity. Attica has had at least 32 quakes above magnitude 7 since 1900, which suggests that larger earthquakes of this size occur infrequently, probably on average approximately every 1 to 5 years.

Number of earthquakes over time

Past 90 days
30 days
7 days
24 hours
2024 so far
Number of earthquakes over time: Past 90 days
Number of earthquakes over time: 30 days
Number of earthquakes over time: 7 days
Number of earthquakes over time: 24 hours
Number of earthquakes over time: 2023
Number of earthquakes over time: 2024 so far

Attica Earthquake FAQ

+How frequent are earthquakes in or near Attica, Greece?

+When was the latest earthquake in Attica?

+How many quakes were there in Attica in the past 7 days?

+What was the strongest quake in Attica in the past 7 days?

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Earthquakes in or near Attica, Greece

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