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Ebeko Volcano

Updated: 6. Mai 2024 18:20 GMT -
somma volcano 1156 m / 3,793 ft
Paramushir Island (Kurilen), 50.68°N / 156.02°E
Aktueller Status: Ausbruch (4 von 5)
Last update: 6 Mai 2024 (Volcanic Ash Advisory)

Ebeko is one of the most active volcanoes in the Kurile Islands, located in northern Paramushir Island south of Kamchatka.
Ebeko volcano has a flat top with 3 summit craters aligned SSW-NNE. The eastern part of the southern crater contains a large boiling spring. The middle crater has a hot lake with solfataras along its shore. The lower northern crater has a small, cold lake and is separated from the middle crater by a narrow ridge.
Historical activity has been recorded since the late 18th century and consisted in small to moderate explosive eruptions from the summit craters. Intense fumarolic activity occurs in the summit craters of Ebeko and on the outer flanks of the cone, as well as inside lateral explosion craters.

[smaller] [larger]
Typische Aktivität: explosive
Ausbrüche des Ebeko: 2016-ongoing, 2009, 2005, 1991, 1989-90, 1987-88, 1971, 1969, 1967, 1965-66, 1963, 1934-35, 1859, 1793

Letzte Erdbeben in der Nähe

No recent earthquakes
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Ebeko volcano is at the northern end of a complex of 5 volcanic cones. Blocky lava flows extend west from Ebeko and SE from the neighboring Nezametnyi cone.
Ebeko volcano with its prominent fumaroles, solfataras, hot springs etc. has a very intense, interesting and complex hydrothermal system which is the subject to a large number of scientific studies. During heightened periods of activity, the chemical characteristics of fluids appear to change, such as decreasing rations of S/C, S/Cl, F/Cl and increasing ratios of H2S/SO2. It is hypothesized that there is a sea-water aquifer above the shallow magma chamber at Ebeko volcano, which sometimes allows magmatic intrusions to ascend to the surface through the aquifers without giving much seismic signals
GVP Ebeko volcano information
Menyailova et al (1985) "Results of geochemical monitoring of the activity of Ebeko volcano (Kurile Islands) used for eruption prediction", Journal of Geodynamics, v. 3 (3-4), pp. 259-274)

Ebeko Volcano Photos

Ausbrüche des Vulkans Ebeko

2009 eruption
An ash eruption of Ebeko volcano occurred at 09h59 local time on 27 October 2009. The ash plume drifted eastwards.

2005 eruption
Ebeko volcano erupted on 29 January 2005 from a vent on the NE side of the active crater. A yellow gray ash column rose 300 m above the crater. A small 7 x 12 m turquoise lake disappeared from the crater on 30 January. On 15-16 February a dark-gray column rose up to 500 m above the crater.
(GVP monthly reports)

1989-90 eruptions
An eruption began from the north crater on 3 February 1989. Ash was ejected to a height of 2.5 km. In August and September ash reached a height of 800 m above the crater.

1987-88 eruptions
Explosive ash eruptions began at Ebeko volcano on 14 October 1987 and continued until January 1988. The eruption occurred from 2 of the 3summit craters. Ash was emitted up to 1200 m above the crater. (GVP monthly reports)

1969 gas emissions
Gas emissions were observed in 1969.

1967 eruption
A phreatic eruption occurred from the northern crater in February 1967. A funnel was formed on the floor of the crater and andesitic ash was emitted.
Source: Menyailova et al (1985) "Results of geochemical monitoring of the activity of Ebeko volcano (Kurile Islands) used for eruption prediction", Journal of Geodynamics
v 3 (3-4), pp 259-274

1963 eruption
Ebeko volcano had a weak phreatic eruption in 1963 from the funnel-like vent on the eastern slope of the volcano. Liquid sulfur flows were observed and a new fumarole, Gremuchaya solfatara, was formed after the eruption.

1934-35 eruptions
Activity occurred from the middle crater and erupted andesitic ash and scoria bombs. Large amounts of sulfur gas emissions caused mass poisoning among local residents and loss of cattle.
Source: Kuril Island volcano eruption threatens health of locals (RIANOVOSTI)

Latest satellite images

Ebeko satellite image sat1Ebeko satellite image sat2

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